21 Sept 2011

Daily Echo - Let parents have the right to decide

Let parents have the right to decide
I AM writing about the article (Daily Echo, September 15) about the fight against fluoride.
I feel very strongly about Labour councillor John Noon's comment "I believe fluoridation is beneficial to children's health. I actually feel we have a moral duty to do this -1 want to support children who don't have a voice".
As a parent of three children, my youngest two-year-old boy cannot speak for himself in the matters of this sort, so I feel it is mine and my wife's responsibility to decide if he should be administered a chemical such as fluoride. In the above comment by the councillor, he thinks he has been granted the right to make decisions for our children and it's not the right of the parents.
1 find this comment very offensive.
As he has taken the moral responsibility for all the children of Southampton and has made his mind up that industrial waste fluoride should be given to all, I guess he will take all the legal responsibility of administering this toxin into the water supply to our children, and for when children start to suffer from the side effects of fluoride that all the countries currently administering fluoride in the water are having, like fluorosis of the teeth in 41 per cent of children, and other health problems that I can list.
A councillor should stand up for their constituents, and under a democracy should support the majority.
Seventy-two per cent of the people in Southampton are against fluoride being administered in the water.
As this councillor ignores this fact, is he truly a councillor doing his duty as a representative of the people, or a councillor who considers power to be greater than his moral responsibility?
Address supplied.

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