26 May 2009

Echo letter

How can they get away with 'poisoning'?
I STRONGLY object to fluoride being added to our water supply. The Health Authority are ignoring all the dangers of this toxic waste, from industry and are really keen to get it into our bodies regardless of the harm it will cause to us. Fluoridation is an outrageous and completely unacceptable proposal.
Nothing at all should be added to our water supply, except what is needed to keep it safe and pure. Water is our lifeline and it is not there for the purpose of adding anything to it, for the treatment of dental problems, or anything else, for that matter.
When water flows through our taps into our homes, each of us, the people, who pay for it, becomes the owners of that water. So, NHS hands off our water.
I have recently watched a DVD which I purchased from Hampshire Against Fluoridation, at a small cost of two pounds. It was about half an hour in length. Professional people who have studied fluoride, explained the dangers of it being added to the water supply After watching this there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that it should be completely banned from all water supplies. Why are all these dangers being ignored by the NHS?
Holding each of us down forcing our mouth; open and pouring this poison down our throats is the same as putting it into the water supply Either way, it would be forced upon us. So how can they possibly get away with it?
Whatever it takes the complete madness of this proposed, irresponsible, mass poisoning must be stopped.

Name and address supplied.

1 comment:

Gill said...

Pleased to read some promotion for the great FAN DVD. Sorry there was no address because it is always interesting to see which districts are taking an interest in fluoridation.