2 Oct 2014

Time for sensible talking on fluoride is now

First published  in News
NO ONE can deny the passion behind the debate over whether fluoride should be added to the water in Southampton and other parts of Hampshire.
This paper has followed the debate for almost a decade. Today we report on the latest developments, which include the fact that one in ten children in Southampton face serious dental decay and 400 youngsters need to have teeth removed each year in the city.
And yet it is hard not to be concerned over the arrogance of Public Health England, who are making the decision on the issue of fluoride in drinking water when, as we again reveal, they have ignored requests from the leader ofHampshire County Council for updates on their plans.
For a public body to simply turn its face away from the elected representatives of the people of the county is beyond arrogance, it shows a shocking lack of respect and gives us an insight into the workings of this body.
This paper has often said it neither supports not objects to the introduction of fluoride into drinking water. We hope for an open and sensible debate on this issue.
But when one side acts in such a manner, it isn’t hard to understand why so many people believe they are not accountable enough for their actions and mistrust their motives.
The time for sensible talking is now.

1 comment:

rcannard said...

Maximum respect to the Echo for an excellent job on covering this debate...Fair and straight down the middle, the (PHE) should take note...