3 Oct 2014

Echo letter & Lymington Times report.

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1 comment:

rcannard said...

I like to see the positive side, 90% of Southampton residence have good oral health,to fluoridate 100% to help the 10% just does not add up...The aim here is to cut dental decay so why have the (PHE) focused their attention on fluoridation when clearly we can see that it is the most wasteful way of dealing with the problem,their are alternatives that work,Runcorn and Widnes 2006 local NHS gave out free toothbrushes and toothpaste, within 6 years they had halved the decay rate...Think of where Southampton could of been if we adopted this scheme from the start, the statistics would be a lot different, instead of going forward we have taken a giant leap backwards...Public Health England have turned a crisis into a crisis and have solved nothing in the process, we are no further down the line than we were 6 years ago...