Lord Colwyn (Conservative)

I doubt if in 20 years he has ever once wondered if some of the many published papers showing harm could ever be true.
"In the Lords"
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Cllr Chris said...
- This reply sent to Lord Colwyn
Dear Lord Colwyn,
In your recent response to the Queens Speech you said - "Public health issues are crucial in the fight for improved oral health. Water fluoridation—a measure recognised among the dental community for its ability to improve oral health and narrow inequalities—is one whose full potential remains untapped, with many communities in England that might benefit from its introduction still going without it. It is important that we also reaffirm our commitment to the fight against oral cancers."
To a person like me it beggars belief that you might push water fluoridation in the same breath as confirming your determination to fight oral cancers.
Your support of fluoridation appears to be based on the opinion of dentists - who themselves regurgitate what they are told without real question. I might add that any dentists who dared to deviate from that view would very soon find themselves in difficulties in the NHS. You appear unaware of the reports of toxicologists of the various conditions and diseases that appear to be strongly linked to the use of "fluoride" (or to give it the real name - hexafluorosalicic acid + 2% heavy metal waste contaminants as scraped from the exhaust stacks of the aluminium, phosphate and nuclear industries).
If you were aware of that then you would also know that my part of the world , Tamworth and the Mildands (including all Birmingham) has their water already dosed with this dangerous toxin. My granddaughters suffer badly with dental fluorosis. One of them has become withdrawn to the extend she doesn't want to smile anymore. Fluoride of course is the culprit. There are NO "acceptable" numbers when it comes to young people having to face a lifetime of "cosmetic" dentistries as a result of this.
And if you were aware of that then you may also be aware of what has become termed the "Birmingham Throat Cancer Cluster". My son (who is 40 and lives in Birmingham is currently undergoing treatments for this. You may not be aware of the research that has linked fluoride to this "cluster". But then that's what happens when you listen mainly to dentists.
I could of course provide details ofdentists who would indeed warn of the dangers of fluoride - dentists who would tell you how they too believed everything they were told about how "Safe & Effective" (the usual mantra) fluoride is. They were shocked to later do the research instead of just swallowing the propaganda and find for themselves the research that shows this industrial waste toxin was so dangerous - yes, even at "only" one part per million.
I ask that you too now undertake the research - instead of just swallowing whole the propagations of the British Fluoridation Society - just as those dentists did. Because you are a person of far more influence than myself whilst you impart your views on this subject. I am a mere local councillor (no party affiliation). But I have done the research and - I can tell you - obesity, arthritis, dementia, fibromyalgia and dozens of other conditions (what else can you expect of a toxin?) which give the NHS so much extra business to cope with appears to exist, or be worsened, by this chemical.
I would be grateful for a response. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Cllr Chris Cooke, Tamworth
PS - please don't simply pass this on to my local MP - he has already indicated that he does not wish to correspond with me on the issue since giving me the single response which was basically a cut and paste off the BFS website.
1 comment:
This reply sent to Lord Colwyn
Dear Lord Colwyn,
In your recent response to the Queens Speech you said - "Public health issues are crucial in the fight for improved oral health. Water fluoridation—a measure recognised among the dental community for its ability to improve oral health and narrow inequalities—is one whose full potential remains untapped, with many communities in England that might benefit from its introduction still going without it. It is important that we also reaffirm our commitment to the fight against oral cancers."
To a person like me it beggars belief that you might push water fluoridation in the same breath as confirming your determination to fight oral cancers.
Your support of fluoridation appears to be based on the opinion of dentists - who themselves regurgitate what they are told without real question. I might add that any dentists who dared to deviate from that view would very soon find themselves in difficulties in the NHS. You appear unaware of the reports of toxicologists of the various conditions and diseases that appear to be strongly linked to the use of "fluoride" (or to give it the real name - hexafluorosalicic acid + 2% heavy metal waste contaminants as scraped from the exhaust stacks of the aluminium, phosphate and nuclear industries).
If you were aware of that then you would also know that my part of the world , Tamworth and the Mildands (including all Birmingham) has their water already dosed with this dangerous toxin. My granddaughters suffer badly with dental fluorosis. One of them has become withdrawn to the extend she doesn't want to smile anymore. Fluoride of course is the culprit. There are NO "acceptable" numbers when it comes to young people having to face a lifetime of "cosmetic" dentistries as a result of this.
And if you were aware of that then you may also be aware of what has become termed the "Birmingham Throat Cancer Cluster". My son (who is 40 and lives in Birmingham is currently undergoing treatments for this. You may not be aware of the research that has linked fluoride to this "cluster". But then that's what happens when you listen mainly to dentists.
I could of course provide details ofdentists who would indeed warn of the dangers of fluoride - dentists who would tell you how they too believed everything they were told about how "Safe & Effective" (the usual mantra) fluoride is. They were shocked to later do the research instead of just swallowing the propaganda and find for themselves the research that shows this industrial waste toxin was so dangerous - yes, even at "only" one part per million.
I ask that you too now undertake the research - instead of just swallowing whole the propagations of the British Fluoridation Society - just as those dentists did. Because you are a person of far more influence than myself whilst you impart your views on this subject. I am a mere local councillor (no party affiliation). But I have done the research and - I can tell you - obesity, arthritis, dementia, fibromyalgia and dozens of other conditions (what else can you expect of a toxin?) which give the NHS so much extra business to cope with appears to exist, or be worsened, by this chemical.
I would be grateful for a response. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Cllr Chris Cooke, Tamworth
PS - please don't simply pass this on to my local MP - he has already indicated that he does not wish to correspond with me on the issue since giving me the single response which was basically a cut and paste off the BFS website.
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