27 Jul 2011

Communities which have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990

Communities which have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990

"[I]n recent years, when towns and cities across the country have held voter referenda on fluoridation, its use has been rejected about half the time." - Chemical & Engineering News, September 4, 2006

“While city councils and water boards tend to fluoridate when they have the power, the electorate is far more divided. Over the past five years, the practice was voted down in 38 of 79 referendums, from Modesto, Calif., to Worcester, Mass.” - TIME Magazine, October 24, 2005

"In about 60% of 2000 referenda held in the U.S. since 1950, fluoridation has been voted down." - Chemical & Engineering News August 1, 1988

"The big cities in the United States were mostly fluoridated by executive action in such a way as to avoid public referenda." - James M. Dunning, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, 1984. (Quote from: Social Science & Medicine 1984, vol. 19, page 1245.)

"The fact that nearly 3 out of every 5 communities which vote on the issue have rejected fluoridation, year after year, does in all likelihood represent a collective judgment on the part of the public that, when all things are considered, fluoridation is not an acceptable public health measure." - Edward Groth III, PhD Dissertation, Stanford University, May 1973

"Avoid a referendum. The statistics are that 3 out of 4 fluoridation referenda fail."- Susan Allen, RDH, BS Fluoridation Coordinator, Public Health Dental Program, State Health Office, Florida. May 7, 1990. (See photocopy of letter)

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