4 Oct 2010

Teeth care for kids: Lawrence pediatric dentists offer tips

Teeth care for kids: Lawrence pediatric dentists offer tips
....“You should brush your child’s teeth when the teeth first erupt — around 6-9 months,” Jacobs says. “You want to get bacterial plaque off the teeth twice a day with either a washcloth or cotton swab. Water is fine, or a nonfluoride toothpaste. We don’t want children swallowing fluoride.”

He adds, “Some studies say white spots on permanent teeth might be linked to kids swallowing too much fluoride. When the child can spit out the toothpaste is when you can switch to fluoride toothpaste. Most kids learn to spit out toothpaste by 4 years.”.............

"We don't want them to swallow toothpaste", but they want to put it in the water we all have to drink!

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