20 Jul 2010

Daily Echo - Please help, Mr Clegg

Please help, Mr legg
A MESSAGE to David Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister in Coalition in Government, to support us in our cry against the enforcement of fluoride in our tap water.' Dear Mr Clegg, Many people lament the loss of our great supporter, Mrs. Sandra Gidley ex MP for Romsey who decried the use of such poison in our drinking water. I believe many MPs are supporting their constituents but thousands of us are all left in limbo.
We are very thankful you have, at least, a finger in the pie when decisions are made, so I implore you PLEASE don't forsake us, the
Liberal Democrat supporters entirely.
You will, no doubt, read thoroughly the reports, those for and against, but I assure you there are thousands who are really worried.
As with most mandates, should there be one, will not entirely cover the majority who for various reasons, problems etc., are unable to ascribe their name to a ballot paper.
We do not wish for a "sit on the fence" Deputy Prime Minister - we really need your concern and understanding to an "out on a limb" constituancy who have lost their ex-MP Sandra Gidley.

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