16 Jun 2010

Daily Echo - Slow poisoning for babies?

Slow poisoning for babies?
WE all know that fluoride is a poison - every dictionary states this fact. We also know that boiling water that contains fluoride increases the fluoride content - ie the poison is increased.
Babies who are not breast fed and young toddlers have bottled milk which is made of powdered baby food plus boiled water. These babies have four to five bottles each day, seven days a week, week after week, month after month - bottles all made with increased fluoride.
I am no expert but surely this must be a form of slow poisoning! How can any parent want to feed their beautiful baby with bottles knowing the fluoride content is increased. Forget their teeth in this instance - what does it do to their little brains?
I would like to know if any of these 'experts' who support fluoride have, truthfully, personally fed their own babies, from birth, daily with bottles made with added fluoride - and if then* children are alert and perfectly well mentally on reaching school age.
How can any expert calculate how much is dangerous to different families?
Water was put on this earth for all people as a necessity for life. It was not just given to a chosen few to dictate to others. Still, as those experts who insist fluoride will be added are so sure of their facts I assume this means they will accept responsibility for any future health problems in the community!
By writing this letter I have no intention of scaremongering - but what I have written I believe to be fact - and to voice my opinion as after fluoridisation is added would be too late.

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