6 Nov 2009

Daily Echo - letter

We don't want fluoride
IN reply to the Daily Echo's front page 'Fluoride case for in tatters'.
The Echo went on to explain that a new survey revealed dramatic improvements in Southampton children's dental health, even better than parts of the country with fluoridation. So how do the SHA explain this new survey and now that they have this evidence that it is not needed to put fluoride in our water we have to ask the question, why? They are still adamant that it is a good thing to go ahead. How much more proof do they need to stop such a crazy idea.
SHA I would like to say to you admit defeat and leave our water alone, we would all respect you more. You must have a clear message by now from the people who have written to this paper and the 15,000 signatures that were taken to 10 Downing Street for Mr Brown's attention. It is all very simple really: do you remember what we are saying or has it all slipped your minds? Well here it is again. 'We the public do not want toxic fluoride in our water supply'. It is such a simple message why don't you listen? (Name and address supplied).

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