7 Nov 2009

Daily Echo - letter - Fluoride findings on the Internet

Fluoride findings on the Internet
Whilst speaking on the phone to a friend on the possible numbers of people injured by fluoride poisoning I put up "Fluoride Poisoning Cases" on an Internet search.
I was able to tell him I got about 171,000 Internet entries for this in seconds.
I clicked on the 4th of these 171,000 listed sites and found under Search Medica, a professional medical site, references to 60 medical papers on fluoride poisoning cases. The first of these 60 came up with a report from The New England Medical Journal on January 13 1994 on a case of excess fluoride in public water supplies in Alaska in 1992 causing fluoride poisoning in 47 people who drank the water May 21, 22 and 23,1992. One of these died. What this shows is that there are countless thousands of documented cases of fluoride poisoning in medical journals and media reports from Government labs and similar organisations worldwide available on the Internet.
The French proved the dangers of fluoride poisoning when they used sheep, injecting them with different amounts of fluoride. France does not fluoridate its public water supplies and has no particular problem with tooth decay
This begs the question have those promoting water fluoridation bothered looking for themselves at the available scientific evidence?
Edward Priestley, Les Granges, France.

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