24 Oct 2009

Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment,

Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment,
9, Upper Mount Street , Dublin 2 Ireland
Phone +353 1 642 5741 - www.voiceireland.org
23rd October 2009
American dentists again warn of fluoride risks to bottle-fed babies.
Two years after first warning parents not to use fluoridated tap water to make up infant formula, the Journal of American Dental Association has again highlighted in its October 2009 edition, the resulting risks of dental fluorosis to bottle-fed babies*. Here in fluoridated Ireland dental fluorosis now affects every third child, a 700% increase since 1984.
“With some 30,000 new-borns this year being bottle-fed” said VOICE spokesman Robert Pocock “ this repeat warning exposes the negligence of the Irish Dental Association (IDA) which has issued no advice on this risk even though in March 2008, we appealed directly to them to do so. Tens of thousands of Irish parents have been failed by the IDA as well as an out-of-touch health minister who still forces this chemical into the taps of most homes in the country. Boiling the water from the tap does not reduce the fluorosis risk.”
Since the Department of Health first responded to concerns about fluoridation in 2000and set up the Fluoridation Forum, consisting of most of the same people who have uncritically promoted fluoridation for years, almost 200,000 bottle-fed babies have been victims of this official negligence. The chances are that over 50,000 of them will develop dental fluorosis, a permanent condition for which there is no cure only expensive and repeat treatment.
Only last Wednesday (21st October 2009) Dr Joe Mullen Principal Dental Surgeon of the North West Health Board, and an active member of the Fluoridation Forum told RTE Radio's Mooney Show that the risk of dental fluorosis begins up to the age of two.
The fluoride concentration(0.7ppm) in Irish tap-water is almost two hundred times more than in mothers milk yet a minority of the seventy thousand new-borns in Ireland this year are exclusively breast-fed.
“This is one of the public health service’s greatest health scandals, with parents simply being left in the dark about the fluorosis risk to babies that the government’s own research has repeatedly demonstrated “ added the VOICE spokesman.

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