2 Oct 2009

Southampton Court Leet meeting

Hampshire Against Fluoridation

Stephen Peckham is to make a 'presentment' to the Southampton Court Leet next Tuesday on behalf of HAF. However, any Southampton resident can make a presentment. The presentment is a short oral presentation (max 2 minutes) on a matter of local concern. The presentment should also be made in writing as well with the presenters name and address to give to the officer in charge.
You do not have to book a slot - you can turn up on the day. It starts at 11am in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.

Presentments have to be very specific and short. The presentments are voted on by a jury and if they support the presenter the matter is referred to the City Council for a response. All accepted presentments are considered by the Council Cabinet Committee.

Every year the Court Leet meets providing a chance for Southampton residents to raise matters of local concern. Please come and make a presentation about fluoridation asking the City Council to look at this issue again. You just need to turn up before hand and give your name to the officer in charge. You will then be called upon to make a 'presentment' of no more than two minutes.

Even if you do not want to make a presentment please come along and support those making presentments.

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