ANTI FLUORIDE campaigners have been give fresh hope after the scheme to fluoridate Hampshire water supplies was raised in Parliament, the Daily Echo reported.
It comes just a week after another Tory minister said a Conservative Government would ensure residents have a say in fluoridation schemes.
Shadow health minister Andrew Lansley challenged the Government to give the people a vote on the controversial plans, saying the public consultation had been a waste of time and money.
Mr Lansley's comments were
welcomed by the chairman of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, John Spottiswoode, who is standing for the Greens against John Denham at the next election.
Below are just some of the comments from the Daily Echo website:
Linesman, Fareham says...
I wonder how many of these protesters, who object to fluoride in the water, buy sweets and fizzy drinks for their kids.
Someone claimed that the MMR vaccination of kiddies caused autism, and rather than accept the opinion of their doctors and health officials, they put their children at risk by refusing the jab, as some of those children that did not receive the jab, paid the price. Adding fluoride to water in other areas has proved to reduce decay in teeth, and no deaths have been attributed to its introduction.
So the Tories, if they form a Government, say that people will be given a vote on it! They also Say that the NHS is safe in their hands, despite the slagging off it was given by one of their spokesmen in the US!
It is called 'electioneering'!
Pam W, Southampton says...
Linesman said: "Adding fluoride to water in other areas has proved to reduce decay in teeth."
Actually the latest research, published in the July 2009 Journal of the American Dental Association, suggests there is no reduction at all.
Until politicians recognise the facts and stop regurgitating useless and distorted old statistics, they'll continue to delude themselves.
goard, Southampton says...
Fluoride is a poisonous substance. It may be absolutely the best thing happening to us since steak and kidney pies - but in this country we were endoctrinated into the belief that we had a choice - obviously 72 per cent obviously did not think it was for them - it's called freedom of choice and it is this that most of us are railing against - we ain't getting FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
Linesman, Fareham says...
So fluoride is a poisonous substance! Salt is the combination of two poisonous substances, but I bet that you have salt with your meals!
Alcohol is a killer when taken in excess, but not in moderation, similarly asprin which can kill if taken in excess but is prescribed to help with some heart conditions.
There is always some group, with little or no knowledge of a subject, that think they know better than the experts!
jwillie6, Lafayette, LA, USA says...
This whole problem seems so simple to cure. Fluoride tablets are legal. If you want them, take them. Meanwhile do not put this toxic poison in the water system and force everyone to take it.
Fluoridation is a hoax and a waste of money, but worse, it is dangerous to health.
I suggest anyone doubting the dangers of fluoridation go read : "50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation" by Dr Paul Connett at { http://www. fluoridealert.org/). Included are 190 research studies which support each of the 50 reasons.
Also this site shows 23 research studies from around the world which shows that fluoride lowers the IQ in children.
Check the articles on the five-fold increase in bone cancer in young males caused by fluoride. How many deaths are we ready to sacrifice in order to absorb the toxic waste fluoride of the big chemical companies and their cohorts.
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