6 Sept 2009

Canada - People should demand a say on adding fluoride to water

People should demand a say on adding fluoride to water
Written by Ralph Neumann
Friday, 04 September 2009
Travelling through Prince George a few weeks ago, someone informed me of the fluoridation debate that was happening there. This piqued my interest, as I resided in the Prince George area for about 22 years and became involved in the fluoridation debate in 1998, addressing city council the following February to voice my concerns.
My appeal fell on deaf ears. Their mind had already been made up.
The NDP government complied with the wishes of the council and put forward legislation that allowed the city to bypass what should be the God-given right of every citizen - to vote on this matter - thus allowing the city to continue to fluoridate the drinking water without the mandate of the people of Prince George. I call this scandalous and tyrannical and am amazed that so few of the citizens of P.G. are alarmed at this effrontery.
Science worthy of its name does not support fluoridation, no matter how often it is claimed in print. It cannot. Talk to any knowledgeable toxicologist and you will hear how toxic the chemical kindly called fluoride is.
Talk to anyone handling the acid at P.G.’s water wells/pumping stations and they will inform you of the stringent guidelines in place on handling the acid. It is so corrosive it will etch glass and corrode metals and even make mush out of concrete. It is extremely corrosive to eyes, skin and all mucous membranes such as lung passages.
One very compelling reason I left P.G. along with my family in 2002 was the state of the drinking water. I suffered greatly from a very aggressive dermatitis of the hands which only disappeared when I switched to spring water. I also conducted tests which I sent down to two separate labs in the Vancouver area at my expense, which confirmed that fluoride reacts aggressively to aluminum pots. Whereas there were minute amounts of aluminum in the pot when boiling in an aluminum pot for five minutes, there was a significantly greater amount when boiling with fluoridated water. What might the acid be leaching from pipes in the whole network of pipes comprising the P.G. water works, or from the pots and pans used in cooking, even at one part per million of fluoride?
Wake up, citizens of Prince George. Don’t let the mayor and council decide such an important issue. Demand to have a say by calling for a referendum, your legal right.
Ralph Neumann

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