14 May 2009

Echo Letter

GUY Harkin of Bolton on the subject of fluoridation says one aspect is never explained by the opponents of fluoridation namely why is it supported by every mainstream body in the world of medicine and dentistry (April 30).
Often there are only two or three key people who give their support and their organizations do no original work of their own and simply endorse each other's opinions. As for MP's there is an All Party Group Against Fluoridation who believe passionately that fluoridation is wrong including Lord Baldwin who was on the York Review.
In a letter sent to the SHA it mentions Guy Harkin: http://www.fluoridealert.org/south-hatnpton.html Quote - Anthony Ryder, director Communities Against Toxics wrote of a meeting he attended conducted on Manchester breakfast TV. Also invited was economist Guy Harkin of the North West Fluoridation Evaluation, a group that had the task of recommending on whether to add fluoride to the drinking water of Manchester. Even though Harkin was supposed to be looking into the issue of fluoride and his recommendations would be very influential, it was blatantly obvious he was already a strong supporter of fluoride 'mass medication', despite demonstrating no knowledge (or even interest) in the studies indicating health risks. He shamefully regurgitated parrot-fashion the pro-fluoride script, showing no original self-thoughts. End of quote
Guy Harkin of Bolton is like the 12 unelected quango members of the SHA who ignored the 72 per cent of Southampton people who voted against fluoridation and only listened to their own panel member Prof Newton, who ignores anything that does not come down from the pyramid of NHS accepted truths.

BILL EDMUNDS, Cadnam, Hampshire Against Fluoridation

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