12 May 2009

Daily Echo

It's forced upon us
WHY is it at least over 70 per cent of us do not want the deadly poison, fluoride in our water, yet we are to be forced to have it and forced to pay for it.
I want to choose what I put in my body and all my life I have treated it with respect, now because a few individuals cannot be bothered to simply brush their own teeth my choice is to be taken away.
Fluoride is one of the most deadliest poisons known to man yet I will have to pay for it to be administered to me against my will. I find this insulting, dangerous and perverse. People have to take responsibility for their own health and lifestyles and not impose it upon others. If you do not take that responsibility why is it then forced on others, financially and medically?
Southern Water will now charge us to have poison put into out water whether we want it or not and the vast majority certainly do not. Southern Water is now a privatised rip off mess. This was once an excellent, efficient company that provided quality water at a fraction of the cost that it is now, thanks to a disastrous Tory privatisation.
As Southern Water has no staff at the sharp end, its work is contracted out to Clancy Docra. They may be very good at digging holes but do you want them in charge of putting a deadly poison into your water? I find this very worrying that a contracted out company is doing our water with unnecessary fluoride at great cost to us the end user. Southern Water is now a hedge fund and no longer interested in providing a service thanks to Tory privatisation, only milking the customer for more money, as is all the privatised companies, for a reduced inefficient and now poisonous supply. Of course the over-worked PR department of Southern Water will deny this!


Anonymous said...

fluoride is a bi product of aluminum
processing and it is illegal to dump in waterways or anywhere else so why the hell put it in our drinking water
and if it's not ok for babies what about the elderly or people on medications that could interact with it NO THANK YOU why don't dentists just offer fluoride tablets to the under 10's child dental problems solved why medicate us all

Anonymous said...

I think you will find docwra has a w in it.