Iv said about this many times, the (PHE) have distanced themselves from the very people it's supposed to care for with the "we know best attitude" the government did this with asbestos, so no the officials don't always get things right...People don't want to be kept in the dark especially when it comes to health matters but that's exactly what the (PHE) have done ...There are alternatives and i bet that (PHE) have not considered any of them they just want to dump this waste into everyone's drinking water and to hell with the consequences...It's time to pack up and leave dodge...
If you would like to subscribe just e-mail nofluoride@googlemail for latest information on how to stop this undemocratic decision to fluoridate Southampton against the will of the people by 12 unelected members of the Strategic Health Authority who do not even live here. The Board Dr Geoffrey Harris - Chairman Jim Easton - Chief Executive Chris Evennett – Director of Strategy and Reform Katherine Fenton - Director of Clinical Standards Olga Senior - Director of Communications & Corporate Affairs Ben Lloyd - Director of Finance and Investment Prof. John Newton Regional Director of Public Health Terry Butler CBE Alyson Coates . Joe McLoone Chris Le Fevre Martin Howell
We would like to thank ShootingBusiness.com for help freely given in making a H.A.F. DVD video.
1 comment:
Iv said about this many times, the (PHE) have distanced themselves from the very people it's supposed to care for with the "we know best attitude" the government did this with asbestos, so no the officials don't always get things right...People don't want to be kept in the dark especially when it comes to health matters but that's exactly what the (PHE) have done ...There are alternatives and i bet that (PHE) have not considered any of them they just want to dump this waste into everyone's drinking water and to hell with the consequences...It's time to pack up and leave dodge...
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