Fluoride: Drinking Water
Mike Thornton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether a formal agreement was signed between the now abolished South Central Strategic Health Authority and Southern Water to add fluoride to the water supply in
(a) Southampton and
(b)the South West Hampshire area. [158592]
Anna Soubry: No agreement was signed between South Central Strategic Health Authority, prior to its abolition, and Southern Water to add fluoride to the water supply in Southampton and the South West Hampshire area. The position, as at the end of March 2013, was that the strategic health authority was in discussions with Southern Water in relation to agreeing the terms of the agreement.
By virtue of amendments made to the relevant legislation by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the statutory functions of strategic health authorities in relation to fluoridation have transferred to the Secretary of State.
So shouldn't we be asking just what the SHA have been doing all this time if there is nothing signed nor anything in place, how many thousands have been spent on doing nothing
Paul McEvoy
Posted on 11 Jun 2013 10:59 pm (Report this annotation)
The Department of Health holds no hazard information data on the toxic waste product fluoride, intended to be filtered through our babies via our water supply. This is confirmed through an official response from the Department of Health to a freedom of information request. This failing has been passed on directly to Her Majesty's Inspector of Health and Safety. Is the Secretary of State aware of the lawful ramifications regarding negligence?
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